Because embedded systems mostly target mass production and often run on bat
teries, they should be cheap to realize and power efficient. In addition, t
hey require a high degree of programmability to provide real-time performan
ce for multiple applications and standards.
However, performance requirements as well as cost and power-consumption con
straints demand that substantial parts of these systems be implemented in d
edicated hardware blocks. As a result, their heterogeneous system architect
ure consists of components ranging from fully programmable processor cores
to fully dedicated hardware components for time-critical application tasks.
Increasingly, these designs yield heterogeneous embedded multiprocessor sy
stems that reside together on a single chip. The heterogeneity of these hig
hly programmable systems and the varying demands of their target applicatio
ns greatly complicate system design.
The increasing complexity of embedded-system architectures makes predicting
performance behavior more difficult. Therefore, having the appropriate too
ls to explore different choices at an early design stage is increasingly im
portant. The Artemis modeling and simulation environment aims to efficientl
y explore the design space of heterogeneous embedded-systems architectures
at multiple abstraction levels and for a wide range of applications targeti
ng these architectures. The authors describe their application of this meth
odology in two studies that showed promising results, providing useful feed
back on a wide range of design decisions involving the architectures for th
e two applications.