Of all the techniques that are currently available to measure binding, isot
hermal titration calorimetry is the only one capable of measuring not only
the magnitude of the binding affinity but also the magnitude of the two the
rmodynamic terms that define the binding affinity: the enthalpy (DeltaH) an
d entropy (DeltaS) changes. Recent advances in instrumentation have facilit
ated the development of experimental designs that permit the direct measure
ment of arbitrarily high binding affinities, the coupling of binding to pro
tonation/deprotonation processes and the analysis of binding thermodynamics
in terms of structural parameters. Because isothermal titration calorimetr
y has the capability to measure different energetic contributions to the bi
nding affinity, it provides a unique bridge between computational and exper
imental analysis. As such, it is increasingly becoming an essential tool in
molecular design.