Differences in doublet analysis have the potential to alter DNA cell-cycle
measurements. The techniques for doublet determination are often used inter
changeably without regard for the complexity in cell shapes and sizes of bi
ological specimens.
G(0/1) doublets were identified and quantitated using fluorescence height v
ersus area and fluorescence width versus area pulse measurements, by enumer
ating the proportion of G(2) + M cells that lack cyclin BI immunoreactivity
, and modeled in the DNA histograms by software algorithms. These technique
s were tested on propidium iodide-stained whole epithelial cells or nuclei
from asynchronous cultures, or after exposure to chemotherapeutic agents th
at induced cell-cycle arrest and were extended to human breast tumor specim
ens having DNA diploid patterns.
G(0/1) doublets were easily discernible from G(2) + M singlets in cells or
nuclei that are generally homogenous and spherical in shape. Doublet discri
mination based on pulse processing or cyclin B1 measurements was nonconcord
ant in some nonspherical cell types and in cells following cell cycle arres
t. Significant differences in G(0/1) doublet estimates were observed in bre
ast tumor specimens (n = 50), with estimates based on pulse width twice tho
se of pulse height and nearly five times greater than computer estimates. D
ifferences between techniques are attributed to difficulties in the separat
ion of the boundaries between G(0/1) doublets and G(2) + M singlet populati
ons in biologically heterogeneous specimens.
To improve reproducibility and enhance standardization among laboratories p
erforming cell cycle analysis in experimental cell systems and in human bre
ast tumors, doublet discrimination analysis should best be accomplished by
computer modeling. Shape and size heterogeneity of tumor and arrested cells
using pulse-processing can lead to errors and make interlaboratory compari
son difficult. Published 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.