The neutral monophosphoniobenzo[c]phospholides 2 and 3 were selectively pre
pared by reduction of bis(triphenylphosphonio)benzophospholide chloride 1[C
l]. Compound 3 was further converted into the borane adduct 6 and the thiox
o-phosphorane 7. All products were characterised by spectroscopic methods a
nd X-ray diffraction. The most notable features of the molecular structures
are the significantly different distances of the two P-C bonds adjacent to
the two-coordinate phosphorus atom (P2-C1 175.0-176.6, P2-C3 171.7-173.5 p
m), and a short exocyclic C-P(phosphonio) bond (C1-P1 172.5-173,7 pm) relat
ive to cationic derivatives such as 1. Structure comparisons revealed furth
er variations in the bond lengths, which can be related to the changes in t
he inductive electron-withdrawing power of the substituents in the 3-positi
on of the fused ring system. Computational studies of monophosphoniobenzoph
ospholides, as well as the corresponding anions with no phosphonio substitu
ents, and cations with two phosphonio substituents, allowed for the interpr
etation of the special properties of the neutral species in terms of a part
ial pi -bond localisation. This, in terms of a VB picture, is equivalent to
the prominence of a single resonance structure that can best be described
as an ylide-substituted cyclic phosphaalkene. The analysis of these results
allows important predictions for the chemical properties of these compound