We first show that for an infinite dimensional Banach space X, the unitary
spectrum of any superstable operator is countable. In connection with descr
iptive set theory, we show that if X is separable, then the set of stable o
perators and the set of power bounded operators are Borel subsets of L(X) (
equipped with the strong operator topology), while the set S'(X) of superst
able, operators is coanalytic. However, S'(X) is a Borel set if X is a supe
rreflexive and hereditarily indecomposable space. On the other hand, if X i
s superreflexive and X has a complemented subspace with unconditional basis
or, more generally, if X has a polynomially bounded and not superstable op
erator, then the set S(X) is non Borel.