YCa4O(BO3)(3) crystals (sp. gr. Cm), nominally pure and activated with Yb,
Er, and/or Ce, were grown by the Czochralski technique. The crystal structu
re of YCa4O(BO3)3 was refined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction, and the
site compositions were determined: (Y0.792Ca0.208(6))(Ca0.938Y0.062(4))(2)C
a2O0.96(2)[](0.04)(BO3)(3) ([] = vacancy). The data set for YCa4O(BO3)(3) w
as found to contain additional reflections which were inconsistent with spa
ce group Cm but could be indexed in a cell with doubled a. No superlattice
reflections were detected in the case of the activated crystals. Structural
data for LnCa(4)O(BO3)(3) were used to derive relations for the lattice pa
rameters and average cation-anion distances as functions of r(Ln) and weigh
ted-average cation radii on the mixed-occupancy sites, which made it possib
le to assess the distributions of Y, Yb, Er, Cc, and Ca over the mixed-occu
pancy sites. Absolute structure determination showed that the pure and Yb3-activated YCa4O(BO3)(3) crystals differed in polarity.