Three experiments starting from different initial conditions have been made
with the ECHAM-4 atmospheric General Circulation Model (GCM) integrated at
T30 resolution forced with the observed sea-surface temperature (SST) over
the period 1960-1994. The tropical America modes of seasonal rainfall anom
alies whose time variation is most accurately simulated by the GCM have bee
n searched for using Singular Value Decomposition Analyses (SVDA) and Canon
ical Correlation Analysis (CCA) between observed and model fields. The lead
ing modes revealed by SVDA and CCA are highly similar, even though the orde
ring of the modes showed some fluctuation. A first skilful rainfall anomaly
mode has weights of the same sign almost everywhere in tropical America. e
xcept along the western coast and the sub-tropical margins. This mode appea
rs in all of the four seasons assessed. A second major skilful mode is usua
lly a bipolar north-south (N-S) rainfall anomaly pattern (clear in December
-March, DJFM: March-May, MAM, and June-September. JJAS).
A large portion of the skill of the first rainfall anomaly mode (same sign
anomalies across tropical America except small patches along the western co
ast) is through variance that is in common with the Southern Oscillation In
dex (SOI). In addition to forcing from the central/eastern tropical Pacific
SST. there also appears a contribution from contrasting SST anomalies in t
he tropical Atlantic. This rainfall mode is usually a regional portion of a
more large-scale mode encompassing at least the whole tropical zone (espec
ially in DJFM, MAM and September-November. SON). Analysis of the relationsh
ip of this mode with GCM circulation features reveals that a rainfall defic
it (respectively excedent) over the main rainbelt of the tropical America r
egion is associated with strengthening (respectively weakening) of the sub-
tropical westerly jet streams, a global warming (respectively cooling) of t
he tropical atmosphere. an anomalous divergence (respectively convergence)
in the lower levels and an anomalous convergence (respectively divergence)
in the upper levels over tropical America and in the region of the Atlantic
Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Such global features are not so ap
parent for the dominant mode of JJAS. even though the correlations with El
Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) indicators (as SOI or NINO3 SST index) are
as high as for the other seasons.
The bipolar N-S rainfall anomaly mode in tropical America is mostly related
to anomalous N-S gradient of SST anomalies in the tropical Atlantic. The a
tmospheric circulation anomalies emphasize changes in 850 hPa meridional wi
nds in the tropical Atlantic. However, there is also interannual variance o
f this rainfall mode in both the model and observations that is unexplained
by tropical Atlantic SSTs, but which is explained by central/eastern tropi
cal Pacific SSTs and, potentially, SSTs from other tropical and extratropic
al areas. This is especially true in MAM.
Some differences in the details of the model and observed teleconnection pa
tterns are noted. Such differences can be used to statistically adjust the
model simulations using the CCA or SVDA modes as basis patterns. Both stati
stical approaches have been applied and the results are consistent between
the two, The increase of skill is stronger when temporal correlation (the p
attern correlation) between the model and observed pattern is high (low) as
for JJAS. The skill is moderate to high around the whole Amazon basin. but
remains relatively low inside the Amazon basin, though reliability of the
observations themselves may influence this result. Averaged over all the se
asons, about 15-35% (35-55%) of the interannual grid-box (regional) seasona
l rainfall variance is skilfully simulated from the observed SST forcing. C
opyright (C) 2001 Royal Meteorological Society.