The confinement properties of future magnetic fusion devices can be ex
trapolated from existing experiments using the scaling of heat transpo
rt with relative gyroradius (p). For H mode confinement regimes, this
extrapolation to smaller p is complicated by the requirement that th
e loss power from core transport remain above the H mode threshold pow
er. If the increase in H mode threshold power is more rapid than the i
ncrease in loss power when p, becomes smaller, then the H mode thresh
old determines the scaling of global confinement for large devices rat
her than core transport. This can be avoided by choosing a scaling pat
h at higher beta along which the loss power remains above the H mode t
hreshold power to the point of ignition. The parameters for an ignitio
n tokamak plasma that take full advantage of the gyro-Bohm-like scalin
g of heat transport in H mode plasmas are presented.