Young adults (n = 964; never married; age, 18-27 years) in Hong Kong were s
urveyed to obtain information about their smoking habits and sexual behavio
rs. Current smokers (15% of the entire sample) and those who had ever had s
exual intercourse (28%) were more likely to be male, to have ended their ed
ucation at secondary school, and to report less life satisfaction. After co
ntrolling for demographic and psychosocial correlates, sexual intercourse w
as associated with smoking status for both males and females. Among those w
ho were sexually active, those who had multiple sexual partners, had their
first sexual experience prior to age 18 years, and (for males) reported vis
iting massage parlors were more likely to have a history of smoking. Our fi
ndings extend those of our previous study with community adolescents in Hon
g Kong and suggest that smoking may be a marker for other high-risk behavio
rs among young Chinese adults.