Currently >50 proteins have been reported to be associated with focal conta
cts and related ECM adhesions. Most of these contain multiple domains throu
gh which they can interact with different molecular partners, potentially f
orming a dense and heterogeneous protein network at the cytoplasmic faces o
f the adhesion site. The molecular and structural diversity of this 'submem
brane plaque' is regulated by a wide variety of mechanisms, including compe
tition between different partner proteins for the same binding sites, inter
actions triggered or suppressed by tyrosine phosphorylation, and conformati
onal changes in component proteins, which can affect their reactivity. Inde
ed, integrin-mediated adhesions can undergo dynamic changes in structure an
d molecular properties from dotlike focal complexes to stress-fiber-associa
ted focal contacts, which can further 'mature' to form fibronectin-bound fi
brillar adhesions. These changes are driven by mechanical force generated b
y the actin- and myosin-containing contractile machinery of the cells, or b
y external forces applied to the cells, and regulated by matrix rigidity.