Finding optimal three-dimensional molecular configurations based on a limit
ed amount of experimental and/or theoretical data requires efficient nonlin
ear optimization algorithms. Optimization methods must be able to find atom
ic configurations that are close to the absolute, or global, minimum error
and also satisfy known physical constraints such as minimum separation dist
ances between atoms (based on van der Waals interactions). The most difficu
lt obstacles in these types of problems are that 1) using a limited amount
of input data leads to many possible local optima and 2) introducing physic
al constraints, such as minimum separation distances, helps to limit the se
arch space but often makes convergence to a global minimum more difficult.
We introduce a constrained global optimization algorithm that is robust and
efficient in yielding near-optimal three-dimensional configurations that a
re guaranteed to satisfy known separation constraints. The algorithm uses a
n atom-based approach that reduces the dimensionality and allows for tracta
ble enforcement of constraints while maintaining good global convergence pr
operties. We evaluate the new optimization algorithm using synthetic data f
rom the yeast phenylalanine tRNA and several proteins, all with known cryst
al structure taken from the Protein Data Bank. We compare the results to co
mmonly applied optimization methods, such as distance geometry, simulated a
nnealing, continuation, and smoothing. We show that compared to other optim
ization approaches, our algorithm is able combine sparse input data with ph
ysical constraints in an efficient manner to yield structures with lower ro
ot mean squared deviation.