Invasion of spheroids from 20 human primary glioblastomas into precultured
fetal rat brain tissue in culture has been studied and quantified. Between
30 and 98 percent of the normal brain tissue was destroyed by invading glio
ma cells within 4 days. The degree of invasion did not correlate with patie
nt survival. A slightly higher invasiveness and shorter survival was seen i
n tumors with EGF receptor overexpression, and the opposite pattern was fou
nd for tumors with a TP53 mutation.
The degree of invasiveness in vitro was far higher than would be expected f
rom the dynamics of clinically observed tumor spread. This suggests that me
chanisms suppressing invasion may be operative in the normal brain; alterna
tively the differences may be due to a higher permissiveness of the fetal b
rain tissue for invasion in vitro.