The absorption efficiency of thermal infrared detectors of various des
igns is theoretically evaluated and compared, with an emphasis on dete
ctors possible to fabricate by surface micromachining. In particular,
the requirement of low thermal mass is considered. An absorber consist
ing of a single resistive metal film is shown to give a maximum of 50%
absorptance. By backing such a him with a perfect reflector located a
t a lambda/4 distance from it, nearly 100% absorptance can be attained
in the broad wavelength range of 8-12 mu m. The simulations show that
by adding a dielectric layer (membrane) onto the metal film, the abso
rptance remains nearly constant, provided that the proper values of n(
d), d(1), R(s) and d(3) are chosen. For d(1) = 0.2 mu m, the maximum v
ariation in d(3) and R(s), compatible with a decrease in mean absorpta
nce from 100 to 95%, is 30 and 40%, respectively. If the dielectric fi
lm possesses absorptive behaviour the absorptance of the detector may
still become large for previously selected structure parameters.