The Social Vole Microtus socialis differs from non-socialis voles from Iran
by its smaller size and relatively broader inter-orbital region. Discrimin
ant Function Analysis based on 14 cranial measurements classified all Irani
an specimens into their actual group (i.e. socialis or non-socialis). A dot
ted distribution map of M. socialis is provided for Turkey, Syria, Lebanon,
Iraq and Iran. Isolated records from Khorassan and Fars, both in Iran, are
discussed. Inter-locality variations were significant in dimensions of the
tooth-row, diastema, rostrum, bullae and braincase breadth. The postero-in
ternal loop of the second upper molar was either absent or rare; only in vo
les from Lebanon and Syria was the incidence of this morphotype observed in
about one-third of the specimens. Marginal populations seemed to be morpho
logically most distant.