Muscle fibre conduction velocity is an important measurement in electrophys
iology, both in the research laboratory and in clinical practice. It is usu
ally measured by placing electrodes spaced at known distances and estimatin
g the transit time of the action potential. The problem, common to all meth
ods, is the estimation of this time delay. Several measurement procedures,
in the time and frequency domains, have been proposed. Time-domain strategi
es usually require two acquisition channels, whereas some frequency-domain
methods can be implemented using a single one. The method described operate
s in the time domain, making use of the autocorrelation function of the dif
ference signal obtained from two needle electrodes and only one acquisition
channel. Experimental results were obtained from the electromyogram of two
biceps muscles (two adult male subjects, nine records each) under voluntar
y contraction, yielding an average of 3.58ms(-1) (SD=0.04 m s(-1)) and 3.37
m s(-1) (SD = 0.03 m s(-1)), respectively. Several tests showed that the p
roposed method works properly with electromyogram records as short as 0.3s.