Evolution of electro-optical properties of polymer dispersed liquid crystal materials during processing

L. Sannier et al., Evolution of electro-optical properties of polymer dispersed liquid crystal materials during processing, MOLEC CRYST, 367, 2001, pp. 3055-3063
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics
Year of publication
3055 - 3063
SICI code
Polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) films are interesting materials par ticulary for optical devices. The initial mixture was composed of diglycidy l ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA), polypropylene oxide diamine (Jeffamine D-40 0), and the nematic low molecular weight liquid crystal E7. PDLC films were obtained by combined thermally and polymerization induced phase separation processes initiated by the temperature controlled polycondensation reactio n of DGEBA and Jeffamine D-400. The electro-optical curves of the obtained films strongly depend on the monomer conversion. It was found that both the transmission in the off-state as well as in the on-state decrease with the extent of cure. In addition, threshold and saturation voltages increase fo r PDLC films characterized by higher monomer conversion values. The electro -optical curves obtained for a conversion of approximately 80% exhibit an u nusual behavior. At monomer conversions approaching 100% the transmission v ersus voltage curves show the expected normal mode.