The Nile River has been the source of life and of conflict in the Nile Basi
n for centuries. Escalating degradation of the river waters has exasperated
water scarcity issues in the basin, heightening tensions between riparian
countries dependent on this shared freshwater source. The potential for con
flict between Nile riparians is real, but recent efforts to construct an in
clusive regional agreement to govern the river's use suggest that riparians
will cooperate rather than quarrel over water in the future. This article
describes the current state of the Nile River and the link between water de
gradation and conflict in the Nile Basin. It then considers the,applicabili
ty of existing international instruments to facilitate cooperation in the N
ile Basin. Finally, it discusses the recent Nile Basin Initiative and it's
potential for success in averting future conflict over the Nile waters.