We have examined the roles of Hsc70 and auxilin in the uncoating of clathri
n-coated vesicles (CCVs) during neuronal endocytosis. We identified two pep
tides that inhibit the ability of Hsc70 and auxilin to uncoat CCVs in vitro
. When injected into nerve terminals, these peptides inhibited both synapti
c transmission and CCV uncoating. Mutation of a conserved HPD motif within
the J domain of auxilin prevented binding to Hsc70 in vitro and injecting t
his mutant protein inhibited CCV uncoating in vivo, demonstrating that the
interaction of auxilin with Hsc70 is critical for CCV uncoating. These stud
ies establish that auxilin and Hsc70 participate in synaptic vesicle recycl
ing in neurons and that an interaction between these proteins is required f
or CCV uncoating.