The dependence of the ignition threshold on the velocity nu(imp) and c
ompressibility of an imploding fuel mass is central to establishing th
e driver requirements and implosion strategy for inertial confinement
fusion (ICF). Using a series of LASNEX calculations, it is found that
ke(imp) proportional to nu(imp)(-alpha)beta(a), where ke(imp) is the k
inetic energy in the imploding fuel at the ignition threshold, alpha =
5.5+/-0.5, a = 1.7+/-0.2 and nu(imp) is the implosion velocity. Here,
the compressibility parameter beta is related to the pressure P and d
ensity rho of the DT fuel by the relation P = beta rho(5/3). These res
ults are obtained by starting at the peak implosion velocity for a fue
l shell of a high gain ICF capsule and scaling the isentrope, mass and
velocity of the fuel shell. In the presence of a mix of hot and cold
material at the edge of the central hot spot, it is also found that th
e results can be fitted by assuming that the reduced clean fuel radius
for a mixed capsule requires a velocity increase of the same magnitud
e as that which would be required if the entire capsule had been resca
led in size by the same ratio.