Extremely high rates of squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus (SCCE), ar
e observed in Iran,, reflecting unknown, genetic and/or epidemiological ris
k factors. Among genetic alterations, in SCCE,: TP53: mutations are the mos
t frequent, vary among populations, and may provide clues on etiological me
chanisms. We have analysed mutations in TP53 (exons 5-8): in 98 SCCE from I
ran by temporal temperature get electrophoresis and direct sequencing. We f
ound 58, mutations, in 49 patients, (50%,), with a high prevalence of C to
T transitions at CpG dinucleotides (29.3%). The TP53 mutation pattern in Ir
an was significantly different from that observed in SCCEs from high incide
nce areas of China and Western Europe (P=0.007)., Moreover, the prevalence
of mutations at A:T base pairs, (transitions and transversions) was higher
in men than in women (38.7%, vs 11.1%, P=0.033). COX-2 overexpression was,
detected in 69% of the cases evaluated (24/35), without significant associa
tion with TP53, mutation. Accumulation of nitrotyrosine, a marker of protei
n damage by excess, levels of nitric oxide, was observed in tumor cells, in
six of 16 cases analysed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis
that several factors are involved in TP53 mutagenesis, in Iran., These fac
tors include a baseline of chronic inflammatory stress, which may have a mu
ltiplicative impact on the sensitivity of esophageal cells to exogenous fac
tors of risk.