Intra-abdominal infection caused by a perforated hollow viscus, transm
ural bowel necrosis or pancreatic necrosis is a life-threatening illne
ss. The cornerstone of surgical treatment is the elimation of the infe
ctious focus, debridement and intra-operative lavage. In severe infra-
abdominal infection secondary procedures such as continuous postoperat
ive peritoneal lavage or planned re-explorations are often done to pre
vent residual or recurent infection. The patient benefit of these proc
edures in terms of morbidity and mortality is not evident. New therape
utic modalities such a intra-abdominal administration of fibrinolytic
agents or anty-cytokine antibodies, which are primarily based on. path
ophysiological processes in, the abdominal cavity following infection,
may improve patient outcome.