The outcome of fusion burning waves in non-degenerate plasmas is limited by
the strength of ion-electron Coulomb collisions and subsequent energy loss
mechanisms as electron heat conduction and radiation emission. In this Let
ter, an analysis is presented on the degeneracy effects in the stopping pow
er of suprathermal charged particles and in the energy transmitted from ion
s to electrons by Coulomb collision. Main results of this analysis is that
very powerful fusion burning waves can be launched into previously compress
ed degenerate plasmas. This can be specially suitable for proton-boron fusi
on, but it also applicable to any type of fusion reaction, where ignition c
an be triggered by an incoming ion beam or another external source of energ
y deposited in a small fraction of the compressed plasma (fast ignition). (
C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.