Free-living amoebae are a diverse group of ubiquitous unicellular organisms
, some of which cause severe central nervous system infections and keratiti
s. However, the focus of research has shifted from the direct pathogenic ef
fects of free-living amoebae towards their role as carriers of pathogenic b
acteria. Large outbreaks of legionellosis with numerous fatal cases, both i
n hospitals and in the community, appear to be the visible tip of the icebe
rg of complex relationships between amoebae and bacteria in biofilms. The r
ecognition of amoebae as reservoirs and vehicles for bacterial spread leads
us to public health issues such as the development of pathogenicity, antib
iotic resistance. quality of public water supplies., housing standards, san
itation and decontamination measures. In this review we discuss bacterial i
nfections of free-living amoebae from both a "biological" and general "infe
ction control" point of view. (C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medicales
Elsevier SAS.