Apatite fission-track analyses along a W-E-orientated transect across north
ern Corsica indicate an important episode of crustal exhumation in late ear
ly Miocene time. Samples taken from the Alpine orogenic wedge, from the adj
acent foreland basin and from the crystalline basement complex flooring the
basin are completely reset. This implies that a greater than or equal to 2
.0-2.3-km-thick crustal section made of thrust sheets and/or autochthonous
foreland deposits has been removed by erosion since early Miocene time. A g
eometric projection of this lost cover towards the west indicates that all
of northern Corsica was covered either by Alpine nappes or middle Eocene fo
reland deposits. Fission-track ages are the same across the main boundary f
ault system separating the Alpine orogenic wedge and the foreland, indicati
ng the absence of significant differential vertical displacement between up
per and lower plates during Neogene unroofing.