Dm. Romney et Jm. Bynner, A REEXAMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SHYNESS, ATTRIBUTIONAL STYLE, AND DEPRESSION, The Journal of genetic psychology, 158(3), 1997, pp. 261-270
Alfano, Joiner, and Perry (1994) used analysis of variance and analysi
s of covariance in a sample of college students to demonstrate that at
tributional style mediates between shyness and depression, as opposed
to depression mediating between shyness and attributional style. They
suggested, however, the hypothetical possibility of a third model, in
which negative attributional style, rather than shyness, is the indepe
ndent variable, and shyness serves as a mediator between attributional
style and depression. In the current study, this alternative model wa
s tested by using LISREL to reanalyze the Alfano et al. data. Results
showed that this third model, with shyness as the mediating variable,
fit the model quite poorly, in contrast to the preferred model of Alfa
no et al., which fit quite well. However, variants of this model, in w
hich shyness functionally precedes both attributional style and depres
sion, fit the data better. The substantive implications of this model
for counseling practice and the methodological cautions about interpre
ting cross-sectional data for temporal sequences are discussed.