Transmission electromicroscopy, trypan blue staining in combination with st
ereomicroscope analysis and biochemical ergosterol assay were used to study
the mycorrhizal symbionts in wild bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), bog whor
tleberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) and highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosu
m) roots. TEM-analysis showed that in all species cricoid mycorthizas forme
d hyphae coil inside the epidermal root cells. In stereomicroscopic viewing
the highest mycorrhizal colonisation was observed in the roots of wild bil
berries (51%), whereas according to the ergosterol assay the highest total
fungal biomass of roots was found in bog whortleberries (209 mug g(-1) of r
oot d. wt). Both ergosterol and microscopical method showed that the mycorr
hizal associations in blueberry cultivars and their wild relatives growing
on natural soil medium are frequent, although ericoid mycorrhiza formation
of highbush blueberries was somewhat weaker than that of wild bilberries an
d bog whortleberries.