Economic actors confront various forms of uncertainty making decisions, and
how they deal with these obstacles may affect their success in accomplishi
ng their goals. This study examines the means by which relationship manager
s in a major commercial bank attempt to close transactions with their corpo
rate customers. It is hypothesized that under conditions of high uncertaint
y, bankers will rely on colleagues with whom they are strongly tied for adv
ice on and support of their deals. Drawing on recent network theory, it is
also hypothesized that transactions in which bankers use relatively sparse
approval networks are more likely to successfully close than are transactio
ns involving dense approval networks. Both hypotheses are supported. Banker
s are faced with a strategic paradox: Their tendency to rely on those they
trust in dealing with uncertainty creates conditions that render deals less
likely to be closed successfully. This paradox represents an example of un
anticipated consequences of purposive social action.