Background: Thromboelastography is used for assessment of hemostasis. Adher
ence to thromboelastography-guided algorithms and aprotinin administration
each decrease bleeding and blood product usage after cardiac surgery. Aprot
inin, through inhibition of kallikrein, causes prolongation of the celite-a
ctivated clotting time and the activated partial thromboplastin ratio. The
aim of this study was to assess the effects of aprotinin on the thromboelas
tography trace.
Methods. Three activators were used in the thromboelastography: celite (whi
ch is widely established), kaolin, and tissue factor. Assessment was perfor
med on blood from volunteers and from patients before and after cardiac sur
Results: The tissue factor-activated thromboelastography trace was unaffect
ed by the addition of aprotinin. When celite and kaolin were used as activa
tors in the presence of aprotinin, the reaction time (time to clot formatio
n) of the thromboelastography trace was prolonged (P < 0.0001) and the maxi
mum amplitude (clot strength) was decreased (P < 0.05). With celite as an a
ctivator, the addition of aprotinin decreased (P < 0.05) the thromboelastog
raphy a angle (rate of clot extension). The reaction time of the celite-act
ivated trace correlated with the activated partial thromboplastin ratio (P
< 0.01). The reaction time of the tissue factor-activated trace correlated
with the international normalized ratio (P < 0.01).
Conclusion: The thromboelastography trace is altered in the presence of apr
otinin when celite and kaolin are used as activators but not when tissue fa
ctor is the activator.