The purpose of this introduction is to provide a brief overview of the arti
cles in this special issue and also a framework for understanding, designin
g and evaluating strategies for cooperative learning in the workplace and i
n educational environments. The special edition is divided into two parts-I
ssue 1: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in Formal Education, and
Issue 2: Computer Supported Team and Organisational Learning in Workplaces.
In general, Issue 1 focuses on collaborative learning in primary and secon
dary schools and in the University setting. Issue 2 is meant to focus on le
arning in complex and often highly stressful work situations which mostly r
equire intensive communication in groups or teams and in each case allow fo
r learning in the wider organisation. This introduction outlines a set of t
hemes that can be found in the following papers and traces briefly how each
paper fits within each discussion. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science
Ltd, All rights reserved.