This article presents a real case study in which both the control and topog
raphic activities of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) are formally sp
ecified. A method to obtain the executable formal specification is describe
d, which implies the following tasks: 1) obtention of a functional model of
the selected STM experiences; 2) discussion of the specification formalism
and formal language to be used; 3) establishment of certain rules to conve
rt the functional model to the chosen formal language; and 4) construction
of the formal specification. The final specification has been used to valid
ate the functional requirements against the behavior of the system. Previou
sly, the internal consistency of the model had also been formally verified.
Much has been learned through this project about the potential of formal t
echniques to be accepted as a viable way of improving requirements analysis
in electronic instrument systems and in related software development. This
experience shows how starting from both a formal basis and a set of formal
ly verified functional requirements is critical in producing a high-quality
system design.