Background: In multicolor flow cytometric analysis, compensation for spectr
al overlap is nearly always necessary. For the most part, such compensation
has been relatively simple, producing the desired rectilinear distribution
s. However, in the realm of multicolor analysis, visualization of compensat
ed often results in unexpected distributions, principally the appearance of
a large number of events on the axis, and even more disconcerting, an inab
ility to bring the extent of compensated data down to "autofluorescence" le
Materials and Methods: A mathematical model of detector measurements with v
ariable photon intensities, spillover parameters, measurement errors, and d
ata storage characteristics was used to illustrate sources of apparent erro
r in compensated data. Immunofluorescently stained cells were collected und
er conditions of limiting light collection and high spillover between detec
tors to confirm aspects of the model.
Results: Photon-counting statistics contribute a nonlinear error to compens
ated parameters. Measurement errors and log-scale binning error contribute
linear errors to compensated parameters. These errors are most apparent wit
h the use of red or far-red fluorochromes (where the emitted light is at lo
w intensity) and with large spillover between detectors. Such errors can le
ad to data visualization artifacts that can easily lead to incorrect conclu
sions about data, and account for the apparent "undercompensation" previous
ly described for multicolor staining.
Conclusions: There are inescapable errors arising from imperfect measuremen
ts, photon-counting statistics, and even data storage methods that contribu
te both linearly and nonlinearly to a "spreading" of a properly compensated
autofluorescence distribution. This phenomenon precludes the use of "quadr
ant" statistics or gates to analyze affected data; it also precludes visual
adjustment of compensation. Most importantly, it is impossible to properly
compensate data Using standard visual graphical interfaces (histograms or
dot plots). Computer-assisted compensation is required, as well as careful
gating and experimental design to determine the distinction between positiv
e and negative events. Finally, the use of special staining controls that e
mploy all reagents except for the one of interest (termed fluorescence minu
s one, or "FMO" controls) becomes necessary to accurately identify expressi
ng cells in the fully stained sample, Cytometry 45: 194 - 205, 2001. (C) 20
01 Wiley-Liss, Inc.