In this article, socio-economic and cultural factors which heighten vulnera
bility to involvement with illicit drugs and disproportionately impact upon
ethnic minority communities are described. The concepts and themes derived
from a review of international literature (mostly from the USA and other E
nglish-speaking nations) on factors associated with vulnerability to illici
t drug use in ethnic minority communities worldwide were compared with the
outcomes of our own investigation into the involvement of ethnic communitie
s in Victoria, Australia with illicit drugs. Several factors which increase
vulnerability to illicit drug use were identified in the literature review
; our research showed that the same determinants are at work among ethnic m
inority communities in Victoria. These factors are high unemployment, poor
proficiency in English, poor access to education and lower educational atta
inment, inter-generational conflict, acculturation issues and peer pressure
. These factors can be distilled into a more general underlying problem, wh
ich is that ethnic minority communities are socially and economically disad
vantaged. Cultural and socio-economic handicaps heighten ethnic communities
' vulnerability to involvement with the illicit drug market and use of illi
cit drugs, and that vulnerability is compounded by poor knowledge of drug t
reatment services and difficulties in gaining access to them.