Time evolution of emission by carbon nanoparticles generated with a laser f
urnace technique was investigated with a high-speed video camera. Assuming
blackbody radiation formula for small spherical particle, the internal temp
erature of these carbon nanoparticles was determined as a function of time
delay (Deltat) after laser vaporization. It was found that the internal tem
perature of them drastically decreased at, Deltat < 400 <mu>s through colli
sion with the surrounding rare gas inside the furnace. On the other hand, i
n particular laser vaporization condition where yields Of C-60 and other hi
gher fullerenes in the soot were found to be high, an increase in the black
body emission intensity could be recognized for longer wavelength (660 < <l
ambda> < 830 nm) at <Delta>t > 400 mus. This finding suggests that a certai
n exothermic process related to the formation of C-60 and other higher full
erenes should occur at Deltat > 400 mus inside the furnace.