We have conducted an extensive survey of the Magellan data to reassess the
population of coronae. We identify a new type of coronae, here referred to
as 'Type 2 coronae', having the same basic morphology as previously identif
ied coronae (Type 1), but lacking a significant (> 50%) annulus of closely
spaced fractures. 106 Type 2 coronae are included in the new database givin
g a total of 515 coronae on Venus. The characteristics of the expanded popu
lation of Type I coronae are similar to those of the previously described p
opulation, but the Type 2 coronae are smaller, tend to have relatively flat
interiors surrounded by a topographic rim, and are more likely to be found
isolated from other features. Our observations, in particular the morpholo
gy and setting of the Type 2 coronae, may provide supporting evidence for t
he existence of a depleted mantle layer under the venusian plains.