A spectral window, ideal from the energy concentration viewpoint, is known
to be a prolate spheroidal wave function S-0l(c,eta). These functions exhib
it unique properties that are of special importance in signal processing. H
owever, in the literature they are often being reported as functions too di
fficult to handle numerically and they are therefore in practice used much
less than they should be. On the other hand, powerful and efficient numeric
al techniques have been devised to compute the full set of prolate spheroid
al wave functions and they have successfully been applied to various scatte
ring problems in acoustics and electrodynamics. These techniques should be
useful to problems in signal processing both in multiple applications of co
nventional spheroidal functions and, appropriately modified, to compute so-
called generalized spheroidal wave functions, in treating signals depending
on several variables. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.