The spectral reflectance from eight species of rangeland grasses in the Mas
ai Mara Nature Reserve, Kenya, was measured using a laboratory-based spectr
ometer. There were statistically significant differences in the spectral re
flectance between species-a result which is encouraging for future work on
identifying, classifying, mapping and monitoring rangeland ecosystems from
hyperspectral imagery.
To date, hyperspectral imagery has been available only through airborne sca
nners, but the European Space Agency and the United States' National Aerona
utics and Space Administration (NASA) both plan satellite missions. The sec
ond part of this paper describes the acquisition and analysis of hyperspect
ral data (CASI) coincident with ground plots. In these plots, the mix of gr
ass species varied from pure (monospecific) patches through to mixes of fou
r to five different species. Evidence is presented indicating that some spe
cies may be identified on the image, based on the laboratory-obtained spect