Today, validation or accuracy assessment is an integral component of most m
apping projects incorporating remotely sensed data. Other spatial informati
on may not be so stringently evaluated, but at least requires meta-data tha
t documents how the information was generated. This emphasis on data qualit
y was not always the case. In the 1970s only a few brave scientists and res
earchers dared ask the question, 'How good is this map derived from Landsat
MSS imagery?' In the 1980s, the use of the error matrix became a common to
ol for representing the accuracy of individual map categories. By the 1990s
, most maps derived from remotely sensed imagery were required to meet some
minimum accuracy standard. A similar progression can be outlined for other
spatial information. However, this progression is about 5 years behind the
validation of remotely sensed data. This paper presents a series of steps
moving towards better assessment and validation of spatial information and
asks the reader to evaluate where they are in this series and to move for-w