In this paper, a simple analytical model is developed to determine the adhe
sive shear strain distribution of a tubular adhesive scarf joint loaded in
tension. The approach is an extension of the original well-recognized Volke
rsen's shear lag analysis for a shear loaded joint, which is frequently app
lied to adhesively-bonded joints. A mathematical representation consisting
of linear and exponential functions is employed to model the elastic-plasti
c behavior commonly observed in structural adhesives. The governing equatio
n is found to be in the form of a non-linear second-degree ordinary differe
ntial equation with variable coefficients. A numerical method required for
solving this equation is also introduced. Numerical predictions of shear st
rain distributions are compared with results from non-linear Finite Element
Analysis (FEA), utilizing the commercially available software, ANSYS 5.6,
a general-purpose software system. It is shown that both the linear and non
-linear approximate solutions are closely comparable with the FEA results f
or a 10 degrees -scarf angle and elastic isotropic adherends. In concurrenc
e with previous work on flat adherends, the present work demonstrates that
the scarf joint develops more uniform shear stress and strain distributions
with a consequent reduction in peak values than those for the conventional
lap joint. In contrast, the conventional lap joint with the equivalent bon
ded surface area experiences a more substantial elastic trough, which can p
rovide a more stable configuration for, sustained long term loading applica