Narrow, fan-shaped dark streaks on steep Martian slopes were originally obs
erved in Viking Orbiter images, but a definitive explanation was not possib
le because of resolution limitations. Pictures acquired by the Mars Orbiter
Camera (MOC) aboard the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft show innumer
able examples of dark slope streaks distributed widely, but not uniformly,
across the brighter equatorial regions, as well as individual details of th
ese features that were not visible in Viking Orbiter data. Dark slope strea
ks (as well as much rarer bright slope streaks) represent one of the most w
idespread and easily recognized styles of mass movement currently affecting
the Martian surface. New dark streaks have formed since Viking and even du
ring the MGS mission, confirming earlier suppositions that higher contrast
dark streaks are younger, and fade (brighten) with time. The darkest slope
streaks represent similar to 10%) contrast with surrounding slope materials
. No small outcrops supplying dark: material (or bright material, for brigh
t streaks) have been found at streak apexes. Digitate downslope ends indica
te slope streak formation involves a ground-hugging flow subject to deflect
ion by minor topographic obstacles. The model we favor explains most dark s
lope streaks as scars from dust avalanches following oversteepening of air
fall deposits. This process is analogous to terrestrial avalanches of overs
teepened dry, loose snow which produce shallow avalanche scars with similar
morphologies. Low angles of internal friction typically 10-30(i) for terre
strial loess and clay materials suggest that mass movement of (low-cohesion
) Martian dusty air fall is possible on a wide range of gradients. Martian
gravity, presumed low density of the air fall deposits, and thin (unresolve
d by MOC) failed layer depths imply extremely low cohesive strength at time
of failure, consistent with expectations for an air fall deposit of dust p
articles. As speed increases during a dust avalanche, a growing fraction of
the avalanching dust particles acquires sufficient kinetic energy to be lo
st to the atmosphere in suspension, limiting the momentum of the descending
avalanche front. The equilibrium speed, where rate of mass lost to the atm
osphere is balanced by mass continually entrained as the avalanche front de
scends, decreases with decreasing gradient. This mechanism explains observa
tions from MOC images indicating slope streaks formed with little reserve k
inetic energy for run-outs on to valley floors and explains why large dista
l deposits of displaced material are not found at downslope streak ends. Th
e mass movement process of dark (and bright) slope streak formation through
dust avalanches involves renewable sources of dust only, leaving underlyin
g slope materials unaffected. Areas where dark and bright slope streaks cur
rently form and fade in cycles are closely correlated with low thermal iner
tia and probably represent regions where dust currently is accumulating, no
t just residing.