Although decreased accuracy and increased variability of movement is a comm
on developmental finding, the nature of these performance patterns remains
poorly understood. The present study examined the accuracy and stability of
several aspects of oral motor control. Specifically, we examined the contr
ol of absolute timing (temporal parameterization), absolute amplitude (ampl
itude parameterization), and relative timing and amplitude (generalized mot
or programs) in children and adults during a lip plus jaw opening and closi
ng task. As was the case with similar reports, we found that children were
both less accurate and less stable in their assignment of temporal and ampl
itude parameters. However, we further found that although children's underl
ying movement patterns were less accurate than those of adults, children ex
hibited similar variability in their generalized motor programs. The result
s are discussed within the framework of a schema model of motor control (Sc
hmidt, 1975) with reference to the strategic allocation of resources during
motor learning.