Background: In women with a family history of breast cancer, bilateral prop
hylactic mastectomy is associated with a decreased risk of subsequent breas
t cancer of approximately 90%. We examined the association between bilatera
l prophylactic mastectomy and breast cancer risk in women at high risk for
breast cancer who also had mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Methods: We
obtained blood samples from 176 of the 214 high-risk women who participated
in our previous retrospective cohort study of bilateral prophylactic maste
ctomy. We used conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis and direct sequen
ce analysis of the blood specimens to identify women with mutations in BRCA
1 and BRCA2. The carriers' probabilities of developing breast cancer were e
stimated from two different penetrance models. Results: We identified 26 wo
men with an alteration in BRCA1 or BRCA2. Eighteen of the mutations were co
nsidered to be deleterious and eight to be of uncertain clinical significan
ce. None of the 26 women has developed breast cancer after a median of 13.4
years of followup (range, 5.8-28.5 years). Three of the 214 women are know
n to have developed a breast cancer after prophylactic mastectomy. For two
of these women, BRCA1 and BRCA2 screening was negative, and no blood specim
en was available for the third. Estimations of the effectiveness of prophyl
actic mastectomy were performed, considering this woman as both a mutation
carrier and a noncarrier. These calculationspredicted that six to nine brea
st cancers should have developed among the mutation carriers, which transla
tes into a risk reduction, after bilateral prophylactic mastectomy, of 89.5
%-100 % (95 % confidence interval = 41.4 % to 100%). Conclusions: Prophyla
ctic mastectomy is associated with a substantial reduction in the incidence
of subsequent breast cancer not only in women identified as being at high
risk on the basis of a family history of breast cancer but also in known BR
CA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers.