Increasing age is associated with a decline in fat-free mass. The question
is whether age-related changes in body composition can be delayed by an act
ive life style. This analysis includes data where physical activity was ass
essed with doubly labeled water and body composition with hydrodensitometry
or isotope dilution. Subjects were 136 women and 180 men over 20 years, wh
o were tested in Maastricht University between 1983 and 1998. Increasing ag
e was associated with lower activity levels and lower fat-free mass. After
controlling for age there was no longer any association between physical ac
tivity and fat-free mass. A few exercise intervention studies showed that e
lderly subjects compensate for exercise training by a decline in spontaneou
s physical activity, in contrast to younger subjects. Although no effect of
habitual activity level on changes in body composition are observed, train
ing has a positive effect on muscle function. Elderly subjects with relativ
ely high levels of physical activity are not different from those with low
activity levels, as far as fat-free mass and fat mass are concerned. Howeve
r, training might delay the age-induced impairment of personal mobility ass
ociated with a reduction in physical activity.