A review of available catch and biological data suggests that there are 3 p
opulations of Bryde's whales in the southern African region, An inshore pop
ulation (the South African Inshore Stock) occurs over the continental shelf
of South Africa, south of about 30 degreesS, and seems to be nonmigratory,
although there is a movement up the west coast in winter. A pelagic popula
tion (the Southeast Atlantic Stock) occurs on the west coast of southern Af
rica, ranging from equatorial regions to about 34 degreesS, and appears to
migrate north in autumn and south in spring. Whales from the Southeast Atla
ntic Stock differ from the South African Inshore Stock in size, scarring, b
aleen shape, seasonality of reproduction, fecundity and prey types. Both oc
curred in the west coast whaling ground off Donkergat, but with differing s
easonalities and distributions from the coast. Bryde's whales are rare on t
he east coast of southern Africa, but are found in summer in some numbers s
outh of Madagascar. Whales from this population are clearly smaller than th
ose from the Southeast Atlantic Stock, but are similar in size to, or even
smaller than, those from the South African Inshore Stock. Their external ap
pearance is unknown, but they differ in prey type from the South African In
shore Stock, and because of a clear discontinuity in distribution it is bel
ieved that they form a third (pelagic) population (the Southwest Indian Oce
an Stock). This population may or may not move north as far as the Seychell
es in winter, but seems to be separate from Bryde's whales in the Arabian S
ea, From their size composition, length at sexual maturity and infrequent c
apture, Bryde's whales taken at Durban may have represented strays from eit
her the South African Inshore Stock or the Southwest Indian Ocean Stock, an
d recorded stomach contents also indicate prey types common to either stock
. The unusual degree of population differentiation shown by Bryde's whales
may be a consequence of their limited seasonal migrations and apparent reso
urce partitioning.