Natural analogues are an important source of long-term data and may be view
ed as naturally occurring experiments that often include processes. phenome
na, and scenarios that are important to nuclear waste disposal safety asses
sment studies. The Koongarra uranium deposit in the Alligator Rivers region
of Australia is one of the best-studied natural analogue sites. The deposi
t has been subjected to chemical weathering over several million years, dur
ing which many climatological, hydrological, and geological changes have ta
ken place, resulting in the mobilization and spreading of uranium. Secondar
y uranium mineralization and dispersed uranium are present from the surface
down to the base of th weathering zone, some 25 in deep. In this work, a s
imple uranium transport model is presented and sensitivity analyses are con
ducted,for key model parameters. Analyses of field and laboratory data show
that three la,vers can be distinguished in the Koongarra area: (1) a top l
ayer that is fully weathered, (2) an intermediate layer that is partially w
eathered (the weathering zone), and (3) a lower layer that is unweathered.
The weathering one has been moving downward as the weathering process proce
eds. Groundwater velocities are found to be largest in the weathering zone.
Transport of uranium is believed to take place primarily in this zone. It
appears that changes in the direction of groundwater flow have not had a si
gnificant effect on the uranium dispersion pattern. The solid-phase uranium
data show that the uranium concentration does not significantly change wit
h depth within the fully weathered zone. This implies that uranium transpor
t has stopped in these layers. A two-dimensional vertically integrated mode
l for transport of uranium in the weathering, zone has been developed. Simu
lations with a velocity field constant in time and space have been carried
out, taking into account the downward movement of this zone and the dissolu
tion of uranium in the orebody. The latter has been modelled by a nonequili
brium relationship. In these simulations, pseudo-stead by state uranium dis
tributions are computed. The main conclusion drawn from this study is that
the movement of the weathering zone and the nonequilibrium dissolution of u
ranium in the orebody play van important role in the transport of uranium.
Despite the fact that the model is a gross simplification of what has actua
lly happened in the past two million years, a reasonable fit of calculated
and observed uranium distributions was obtained with acceptable values for
the model parameters.