The low-temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra and the static ma
gnetization data obtained for the stoichiometric single crystals of beta -N
a0.33V2O5 indicate that this quasi-one-dimensional mixed-valence compound d
emonstrates at T-N = 22 K the phase transition into the canted antiferromag
netically ordered state. The spontaneous magnetization of 3.4x10(-3) mu (B)
per V4+ ion was found to be oriented along the twofold b axis of the monoc
linic structure, the vector of antiferromagnetism is aligned with the a axi
s and the Dzyaloshinsky vector is parallel to the c axis. The experimental
data were successfully described in the frame of the macroscopic spin dynam
ics and the following values for the macroscopic parameters of the spin sys
tem were obtained: the Dzyaloshinsky field H-D = 6 kOe and the energy gaps
of two branches of the spin wave spectrum Delta (1)/(2 pi) = 48 GHz and Del
ta (2)/(2 pi) = 24 GHz.