We have developed a low-noise submillimeter-wave SIS receiver (320-360 GHz)
for a 10 m submillimeter telescope, which was installed at Nobeyama in 200
0 February. This receiver and a millimeter-wave SIS receiver are mounted on
the ceiling of the Cassegrain receiver cabin of the 10 m telescope. Two cu
rved mirrors couple a shaped Cassegrain beam from the subreflector to mixer
horns. The minimum noise temperature measured in front of the receiver was
52 K in double sideband (DSB) at a local oscillator (LO) frequency of 354
GHz, which corresponds to three-times quantum limits (37hv/k(B)). This nois
e temperature contributions are resolved into the optics, mixer, and IF par
ts. The temperature ripple of a two-stage Gifford-McMahon cryocooler has be
en reduced to be 2 mK peak-to-peak at the mixer block with a helium pot tem
perature stabilizer. Mechanical vibration (30 mum peak-to-peak) of the cold
head degrades the receiver stability.