Background: The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is challenged with monitor
ing and protecting the health and wellbeing of its service members. The gro
wing number of women on active duty and the diverse hazardous exposures ass
ociated with military service make reproductive health issues a special con
cern of DoD. To address this concern, the DoD Birth Defects Registry was es
tablished at the DoD Center for Deployment Health Research located at the N
aval Health Research Center, San Diego, California.
Methods: The registry captures comprehensive data on healthcare utilization
to calculate the prevalence of birth defects in the children of military b
eneficiaries. Population-based electronic surveillance is supplemented by a
ctive case validation efforts.
Results: Since its establishment in 1998, the registry has captured data on
more than 90,000 births that occur in military families each year, Detaile
d analyses, to include linking registry data with military occupational exp
osure data (e.g., anthrax vaccination), are underway.
Conclusions: The DoD Birth Defects Registry provides important reproductive
health information on the geographically dispersed military population. Th
is program is expected to complement civilian public health programs and be
especially valuable to military members and their families. Teratology 64:
S26-S29, 2001. Published 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.(dagger)