This paper discusses the relationship between longitudinal analysis of
inter-individual (co-)variation and time series analysis of intra-ind
ividual (co-)variation. To set the stage for this discussion, first a
tutorial overview of modern techniques of multivariate time series ana
lysis is given which highlights the central role of rate-space modelin
g. Some increasingly general instances of the state-spuce model are pr
esented, followed by a concise description of two recent applications
involving nonlinear state-space modeling of oscillatory finger motion
and nonlinear growth, respectively. We then consider the question unde
r which conditions longitudinal factor analysis of inter-individual co
variation will yield the same results as dynamic factor analysis of si
ngle-subject time series data. The conditions concerned can be derived
from ergodicity theory and turn out to be very restrictive. This impl
ies that the results obtained in analyses of inter-individual variatio
n (like the construction and validation of measurement scales) cannot
be generalized to the assessment and prediction of individual developm
ental processes (e. g., in single-subject conseling). A simple illustr
ation with simulated data is given, to the best of our knowledge for t
he first time, in which a factor analysis of inter-individual covariat
ion yields a satisfactorily fitting solution that has no relationship
whatsoever to the factor structures characterizing the intra-individua
l covariation of each subject in the sample.