Rain is a main source for getting water to the ecosystem in the Indian cont
inent. The factors i.e. operation of several heavy metal industries, coming
of distant pollutants, high rain fall, etc. are agent for the precipitatio
n of a high amount of the heavy metals in the eastern region of Madhya Prad
esh state of India. The particulate matters and gases emitted are scavenged
out with rain water for the distribution to the ecosystem. 216 event rain
water samples were collected at three sites (representative of urban, indus
trial and remote): Raipur, Korba and Ambikapur of the country in the year 1
995. 60 (30x2) event samples were collected at site Raipur during years, 19
96-1997. The volume weighted mean concentration and fluxes distribution of
most abundant heavy metals i.e. Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb are described. Their
concentration level found in the rain water was: Pb>>Zn >>Cu >> Fe >Mn>>>H