The International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Aci
dification of Rivers and Lakes (ICP-Waters) is designed to assess the degre
e and geographical extent of acidification of surface waters. During the la
st 20 years, international emission reduction measures in Europe and North
America have resulted in a decrease in atmospheric S-deposition of up to 50
%, while N-deposition has stayed almost constant. Empirical relationships b
etween N-deposition and stages of nitrogen saturation are used to assess th
e importance of nitrogen leaching at the ICP-Waters sites in Europe and Nor
th America. There is a clear coherence between high N saturation stages and
high N deposition loads and more than 50% of the analysed ICP Waters sites
show a high degree of nitrogen saturation, defined as stages 2 or 3 in Sto
ddard's classification system. Significant leaching of inorganic N also occ
urs at most sites with deposition greater than 10 kg/ha/yr.